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Here you will find all the most frequent questions regarding aesthetic medicine.



What are the fillers?

THE fillers are injectable gels used in order to restore or add volume to faceTHE fillers vary in terms of density, factor that determines in which area they can be used, and based on the desired action: lifting(Distance of the furrows of the wrinkles) or definition of the face outline, creation of symmetry or improvement of a particular area of face, such as lips.

What is hyaluronic acid?

L'hyaluronic acid It is a natural molecule present in the human body. It is found in the vitreous humor of the eyes, in the synovial liquid of the joints and in one of the main elements of the extracellular matrix (a 'jelly' that fills the dermis and contains fibroblasts). This molecule acts like a sponge in the skin: it is able to retain its weight over 1000 times in the water. Unfortunately, with the advance of the years, the body produces a quantity of lower hyaluronic acid. The skin loses its elasticity, dehydrated and loses volume. For this reason, hyaluronic acid injections are useful for promoting the regression of the effects of time on the skin.

The fillers based on hyaluronic acid They are different from each other as regards density and must be chosen by the doctor according to the needs of the patient, the indication and the area to be treated. Low density hyaluronic acid is used for surface corrections, such as wrinklesmore subtle, the ''Crow's feet’’, The wrinkles of the forehead, etc. The medium density is used for lips and on average deep wrinkles, while the high density one is injected deeper and used to increase volumes and fill the most marked furrows.

Who can undergo fillers treatment?

Like any treatment, fillers may not be indicated in some types of patients. For example, fillers should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding, in patients hypersensitive to the components of the filler, and generally in patients with active inflammatory processes.

He is the specialist doctor who, on the basis of your medical history (anamnesis), establishes whether the fillers are suitable for you.

Is the treatment painful?

The doctor will take every possible precaution to minimize the annoyance during the treatment. The injections are carried out with very thin needles, so the perceived pain is tolerable. In addition, the products contain a local anesthetic, able to limit pain.

Can side effects occur?

Aesthetic medicine procedures could cause side effects which, however, if they manifest themselves, would be minimal. A slight redness, a small bruise or desquamation after a chemical peeling, a slight bruising near the inoculation area are all normal and contrasted reactions by means of a cream prescribed by the doctor. If they notice or warn unusual symptoms, consult their doctor immediately. Before deciding to undergo any treatment, it is necessary to inquire at your doctor about any potential side effect, even rare.

Is the content of animal derivation?

Hyaluronic acid marketed to redesign wrinkles is produced in the laboratory through a bio-femination process. It is not derived from animals and offers excellent tolerance.

What is the difference between aesthetic medicine and cosmetic surgery?

There aesthetic medicineUnlike surgery, corrects defects and slows down aging without resorting to scalpel. The operating room is not foreseen, nor a post-operative course. In recent years, the aesthetic medicineHe made great strides, so much so that he could correct defects that were previously with the exclusive prerogative of surgery. THE resultsI'm always natural and long lasting, according to the fillers used, but not permanent as many of the surgical solutions. In addition, the aesthetic medicine It is less invasive and does not need particular recovery times.

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